The Thyroid Secret 1. - 9. marts, 2017
Ja nogurums, nespēks, nestipri nagi, matu izkrišana, grūtības atgūt savu vēlamo svaru, aizcietējumi, sausa āda, vienmēr salst, depresija, pazemināts libido, nespēja skaidri domāt - ir Tev pazīstami simptomi, tad šī informācija varētu būt Tev noderīga.
Vai zināji, ka aiz šiem un daudziem citiem simptomiem var slēpties vairogdziedzera veselības problēmas?
Skaties Dr Izabella Wentz veidotās 9 dokumentālo filmu sērijas par vairogdziedzera veselību un risinājumiem, kā visu vērst par labu.
Saraksts filmu saturam tepat zemāk. Ievēro, ka katra sērija ir bez maksas pieejama tiešraidē internetā 24 stundas. 6 pm ET laiks nozīmē 7 stundas vēlāku laiku Rīgā. Tātad katra sērija Rīgā redzama, sākot no 1 am nākamajā dienā. Piemēram, pirmā sērija redzama būs, sākot no 01:00 naktī uz 2. martu.
- Thyroid Disease Revealed, March 1st, 6pm ET, Thyroid disease is a hidden epidemic often missed by conventional medicine -- but the truth is -- you can start recovering your health today.
- The Thyroid Misinformation & Misdiagnosis Machine, March 2nd, 6pm ET, Dr. Izabella Wentz reveals which myths leave people sick and helpless and how to avoid the rabbit hole of modern medicine.
- Unknown Thyroid Therapies, March 3rd, 6pm ET, Synthetic thyroid hormone has been the #1 prescribed drug the last 2 out of 3 years. But what if there is a better way?
- The Truth About Toxins, March 4th, 6pm ET, We often come in contact with as many as 80,000 chemicals per day! Find out how our environment can lead to a toxic thyroid gland.
- Healing Thyroid Disease Healing Thyroid Disease, March 5th, 6pm ET, Headaches, fatigue, and upset stomachs shouldn't be part of our everyday. What if healing started in your kitchen?
- The Stress Sickness, March 6th, 6pm ET, Stress can keep us in a cycle of sickness. Find out why the adrenals play an important role in keeping us well.
- Motherhood Interrupted, March 7th, 6pm ET, Thyroid disease can often cause fertility issues, but this episode reveals there's hope at the end of the tunnel.
- Healing From Within, March 8th, 6pm ET, Removing just one of these factors can reverse autoimmune thyroid disease. Find out your trigger now!
- The Thyroid Success Stories, March 9th, 6pm ET, We celebrate the success stories of thyroid patients who took back their health and share tips and strategies to empower you on your journey. Here's to a bright future!
Šī ir Tava iespēja vairāk saprast par savu veselību, ieklausīties labākajos speciālistos, dzirdēt pacientu pieredzes stāstus un iedvesmoties labām izmaiņām ceļā uz veselību. Atslēgvārds ir atbildība.
Tev varētu būt noderīgas šīs Izabella Wentz grāmatas.
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Izvēlies būt vesels!
Silvija Ābele
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